A brief history of Mysafy

The Swedish word “Mysa” translates most closely to “cozy”, but it’s so much more. Similar to its Danish cousin, Hygge, it involves being relaxed, taking time away from being preoccupied and being in the moment. Think of sharing time with friends and enjoying with all your senses. Mysafy products are designed to help you Mysafy your lifestyle. If you are enjoying our products, please consider sharing.

In 2022, the Crokinole board was first introduced to me. I host a podcast, SipTalk, and every year we offer a holiday gift guide. In 2022, my cohost shared this gift idea. I was intrigued, but distressed to see the $450 price tag. Our first product, the Mysafy Practice Board, was a total flop. It was produced in China for a very low cost and the materials and packaging could not handle shipping. Since the initial product, we’ve taken 18 months to recreate a professional board, high quality and beautiful design. The new board ships in a package that could fall 8 stories and keep the product intact. (don’t try this, that’ hyperbole).

Crokinole is just a start. We’ve since created a high quality Corn Hole board, something that’s designed to be sturdy, last decades, and be really nice to look at!

We have additional products in the works. So stay tuned to find products you will want to add to your life, display in your homes and pass down to the next generation.